The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Association of Language Teachers

Professional development for English teachers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

“KSAALT-TESOL around the Kingdom. Get to a chapter near you!” 

There are 5 KSAALT Chapters located in different regions in the Kingdom.

All are looked after by local members and have their own schedule of events throughout the year, including, as far as possible, a mini-conference once during the academic year.

These local chapters are vital in promoting professional development for local teachers of all levels, especially if they are not able to attend a National Conference.

The monthly events have interesting and first class presenters from different areas of TEFL and TESOL teaching. They also offer the opportunity for teachers to cut their teeth on presenting in public, whether it be their PhD thesis, or In-Service research. This is a valuable resource for the future of English Language teaching in Saudi Arabia.

The meeting dates vary, but each chapter has a Representative, Secretary and Treasurer, and you can find contact information and details of events on each of the separate pages listed below.


[links to each chapter]